High Voltage Servicing

As a generator owner of wind turbines, solar, gas, biofuel or CHP—you will know Service and Maintenance is key to the successful running of your assets.

Whilst you will have an O&M provider, your contract is unlikely to extend to the external High Voltage (HV) and Low Voltage (LV) Electrical Equipment – i.e. your Transformer, HV switchgear and any Low Voltage Power & Lighting within the sub-station.

As the owner (Duty Holder) of the grid connection with your local District Network Operator (DNO), you have a legal duty of care for your generating equipment in keeping with Regulation 4(2) of the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. This mandatory regulation outlines the need for Inspection, Maintenance and Monitoring to ensure safety of the system and ultimately that the duty holder is compliant.

WindCare provide High Voltage O&M Service and Maintenance for hundreds of sites across the UK, including working directly for manufacturers as their Civil and Electrical Contractor.

With servicing teams working across the country, we are ideally positioned to look after your HV & LV Service and Maintenance requirements.

Benefits of Servicing

  • Ensure you stay compliant with Electricity Regulations
  • Ensure you stay compliant with Fixed Installation Testing legal regulations for Low Voltage electrical installations
  • Ensure continued successful running of your transformer from early detection of component failure through integrity inspection and thermal imaging. This reduces the risk of catastrophic failure and allows work to be planned in advance if required
  • Oil analysis to inspect for oil degradation. If sufficiently degraded, transformer oil can act as a conductor causing a short circuit between phases and the transformer to fail. Previous services WindCare have completed have identified transformers which have needed oil changes to prevent catastrophic failure
  • Ensure you have a comprehensive service history of your HV and LV electrical system which is often a requirement in insurance claims etc

Please use the form to submit an enquiry, or call us on 01751 472595 for more information about HV servicing.

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